We first met Brooks at the Jacksonville Humane Society, where we learned that Brooks was originally apart of a veteran dog companion program (not a PTSD/service dog) but dropped out of the program around the 1 year mark and ended up at JHS. Being veterans, we felt a connection to him and adopted him a short time later.
Brooks has been a beloved companion in our family. He loves playing "find it" with treats, tug of war, and chase. He especially loves being able to explore and sniff. Most of all, he just likes being with his people--whether your working in the garden and he gets to sunbathe, or cooking in the kitchen where there's a chance you may drop some food, Brooks loves his people. You can usually find him napping on his bed, diligently looking out for deer in the backyard, or laying by your feet while you watch TV.
In the time we have owned him, we determined that he has separation anxiety. We have worked with him so he can stay in a kennel (but does not like it) or can be left free-roaming indoors for hours (just don't leave food or strong smelling treats out!). Exercise also helps his anxiety immensely.
I love Brooks and am devastated that we need to rehome him. Whoever has the privilege of welcoming Brooks into their home will be rewarded by his affection as we have been so blessed to have him as part of our family these last 6 years.
Mix & Hound
- Male
7 Years OldMy DoB is 08/17/2017
- 61 - 70 Pounds
Brown / Chocolate & Brown / Chocolate
- Playful & Inquisitive
- I Like Kids Over 6
- I Like All Dogs
- Not Tested With Cats
- Not Tested With Small Animals
I Have Not Been Tested with Farm Animals
- I'm Trained
Apply To Adopt Brooks
Help us take care of Brooks