just to pay off outstanding vet bills, storage fees, vet the 3 rescue dogs waiting for vetting, and 2 months of Roxy’s boarding/training. We need your help right now. We are drowning in bills with no adoptions in sight and dogs in need requests DAILY. This has been the hardest year and without your help…I’m not sure how much longer we’ll be able to keep this up.
We aren’t a group that places tons of animals each year…but we usually place a whole lot more than we’ve done. Our average placement is around 50 dogs adopted out each year. Some years more, some years less…but our average would be around 50. This year….we’ve placed like 5 dogs.
We have over extended ourselves and have more dogs than we’d normally be housing, but this year….more dogs are in need than ever before as well. With dog adoptions at an all time low nationwide that means more dogs aren’t getting rescued. Kill shelters are facing terrible decisions and in our rural area…each small rescue is trying to do all we can to help these dogs in need. We can’t keep up.
Vet costs have been rising steadily over the years and it’s getting harder and harder to be able to cover those costs ourselves. Donna and I have always tried to cover any of the extra expenses. We’ve NEVER taken a salary. We do this all for free and usually put in quite a bit of money towards the rescue as well. We don’t have the funds to cover all these expenses. If you are able to donate, no matter how small...it will help. Please. Thank you.
In 24 hours, you guys pulled together and donated an amazing $1790. Add the $1500 match to that and we are at an INCREDIBLE $3,290 raised in just one 24-hour period. The struggle we’ve been going thru made me start to think maybe it was time to back out… Maybe we weren’t meant to be doing this anymore. Sometimes it’s hard to keep faith, and with my loss of Caddy recently… it has been harder than normal to have that faith that things will come together. Then your donations started pouring in. I’m beyond grateful for all the donations and the messages people have sent. THANK YOU for showing me that we can continue…and that it isn’t time to give up.
Thank you to all who’ve donated so far. Thank you to all who’ve adopted dogs from us in the past and who support animal rescues right now. It truly takes a village, and your support means the world to us. THANK YOU!
Only $710 left to go.